Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Got Me 13 Turkey Kids and a Little Turkey Wife

Turkey Bird by Heywood Banks
Singing to Turkeys

This might not be the best video to hear the lyrics, but I thought the one with actual turkeys would be more fun.

We're a little obsessed with the Turkey Bird song at the lab as it's the perfect work song for the holidays.

Hand turkeys have been spotted a lot lately here, mostly because people at work have young children. 
In many ways I'll always be a child and like child things. 
Hand turkeys for instance is one of them. 

I drew this hand turkey mom and baby on our Shipping departments' courier board. The next day, thanks to Joe, it became a Dad turkey clad in tattoos and with a slight nicotine addiction.

My mini-vacation from work countdown started the second I clocked in today. I couldn't be more ready for a rest from work and time with my family. 

So from 1 vegetarian to the rest of the world have a nice day off if you're lucky enough to get it, and doodle your turkeys don't gobble them.