Friday, April 28, 2017

Sailing the high my dreams

I don't know if it was my adoration of flowing water, my pirate fetish, or the recent dive I took into H.P Lovecraft stories that drove me to work on a deep sea hood creation.
Sharpie stroke by stroke our underwater scene grew. It took close to a year to finish with our lack of free time, but by the end multiple people in various parts of the lab contributed.

It is gorgeous outside, but the only sun rays I can see sneak through bushes and bookshelves to fall sparingly along the cold hallways of the lab. 

So I daydream.

 At work the samples pile high, but in my mind only, sunshine glitters off the waves creating prisms of rainbows in the water as schools of fish swim through. Sharks and octopi feel the freedom of the vast ocean. 
I stand on my boat deck sword in hand, Captain of the ship, as I watch the waves roll by.
Sailing the high seas...In my dreams.

Good Mourning Dove

I might be a chemist, but my love has always been biology. Walking into work the other day I saw these tiny birds, so I dropped all my bags and took pictures. Hard to see but they are poking their tiny bird heads out of these 2 blue pipes. 

Animals are always surprising me with their innovations.

The next morning I got out of my car and saw this bird perched on a co-workers vehicle.

I always leave the building for lunch. It is a half hour retreat to run away from the lab walls that confine me. 
A half hour where I park next to trees in a parking lot, the closest I can get to being outdoors.
This lunch held a special treat for me though as a family of geese crossed my path.
Fuzzy yellow gosling tails waddling down an alley is all it takes to make me smile. 
So I go back to work and think thanks nature for letting me enjoy you for a couple minutes more.