The task of getting out of bed some days, especially a Monday, is an accomplishment in itself. By the time I drive a half hour to work my mood usually hasn't improved. If I can make it out of my car and into my windowless laboratory room, I'm feeling pretty damn good about my achievement. I've made it to work, somebody pat me on the back!

This morning I came in to find a new book, lotion, and body spray in my locker! Ronda gave me the book, and my new S.P.E. partner brought the sprays and body lotion. I hope she isn't trying to tell me something!
The tomatoes are farm fresh that I swiped off the break table. Coworkers here are really generous, and all growing season we come in to find various fruits and vegetables for the taking.
This was just such a funny sight when I walked in that I had to get a picture. Our labs very own farmers market.
I'm instantly reminded that good, no great people surround my life. Through bad moods and bad days, it is the generosity of my friends and coworkers that keep me going.
I'd been working on this article for a week or so not sure where to go with it, but I came in today to more presents in my locker! What more of a sign do I need to finish my post about being grateful.
Kim went to visit Amber in Florida recently. 4 Ladies and a Beaker unite again! They had a great time catching up and scanning beaches for shells.
And Kim was lucky enough to get to cuddle these cutie pies again.
They found a nice stash of shells and Kim brought these back for me! She also made an air plant magnet out of a bigger shell. The socks were just me she said. Hilariously enough this morning rained massive amounts and surrounding areas were pummeled with hail. Flash floods were happening everywhere and streets were so full of water they were closed down around our work. Today hail and high winds can't bring me down anyway. Neither can the annoying traffic, or the broken instrument.
Today I will smile! And I will mean it. Hopefully it catches.
I've received so much kindness throughout my life, and I should more often stop and think about my blessings.
Sometimes in the midst of the chaos and sadness of the world I get lost, but my friends and family always find me and bring me back to my roots.
If I was asked what I truly want in life, it would be exactly what I have. It is humbling to think about what I am really gracious for. And I am so rich in love. I'm rich in ways others are not. I wouldn't trade what I have for any amount of money or things.
I have an amazing supportive family and incredible friends. My co-workers are like a 2nd family. We may bicker occasionally, but we are always there for each other. I know that i always have a sincere friend that I can ugly cry in front of even at work.
I added a couple pictures of my wonderful work family...out of work. Here we all are. My friends and confidants. 4 Ladies and a Beaker.
Take my advice and think about the important people in your life, and smile for them, smile for a stranger, and feel blessed for the small moments of joy.
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