Ah 525.2 : The bane of my work existence.
Solid Phase Extraction Horizon 4790 automated extraction system.
These extractors are the most technical equipment we have in the organics lab.
It was vastly different from anything else we worked with, which should have made it interesting.
However, these extractors never really worked well for me. For 5 years I worked on these instruments and it was always a good chance that the samples would flood, not extract correctly, or worst of all fail. We run controls with each batch of samples.
The control samples and client samples are then transferred to analysts up front, and put on a GC/MS. We went through multiple periods when the tests would run smoothly, but the controls would fail, causing all the samples to be invalid.
We did test upon test, checking all aspects of this method. We performed experiments with changing the amounts of sulfate, drying times, and amounts of chemicals applied. Nothing ever seemed conclusive.
It was like the extractors had their own personality...and it clashed with mine!
Some of our new people couldn't pass the quality control tests for this method, so even after we hired new people for SPE I was still stuck with this method I hated.
I began to despise the word 525.
I finally moved up front after 5 long years with these extractors and started training in instrumentation.
I still couldn't get away from this method for months.
Finally somebody did pass the
525 test and I was out of the organics room for good!
It was one of the most relieving moments of my work life.
I had visions of one day getting new equipment and smashing these extractors into tiny bits of plastic and metal like an office space moment.
The extractors never did work quite right all the time for my predecessor either. We still haven't replaced the extractors...or splattered them into pieces.
I did however pass on the fun, and the art and drawings will continue on these hoods!
Here's to 5 years of great doodles with my nerdy cool science friends.
On the worst days in the organics room (which usually involve this method) may the hood art live on!
"Teachin the new kids how it's done."~Jim
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