Saturday, January 2, 2016

What is 4 Ladies and a Beaker?

4ladiesandabeaker is my life.

I work 40 hours a week in an environmental lab in middle America.

I'm the author of this blog and my coworkers, friends, and family are my muse.

We work in a windowless room my 3 coworkers and I.  We are 20 something girls with a mama bear that is a bit crazy at times.  We are smart, fun, and witty organic chemists/analysts with bachelor degrees.

We test drinking, waste, and groundwater samples as well as soil samples.  The tests are often times required by federal or state regulations and test for substances such as various contaminants, pesticides, plastics, and other hazardous chemicals.

Our lab is dirty and because we work with harsh chemicals and acids we are required to wear safety gear such as lab coats and safety glasses.

We buy our clothes at the salvation army usually because acids eat through!  We share 1 big room full of hoods and counters and various glassware.  We are known as the organics department in our lab, however my partner and I work separately dealing mostly with drinking water samples.  We are called SPE (solid phase extraction) for method testing purposes.      

This blog began as a way for me to share my love of science and the natural world.

As such this blog will be heavily swayed to science news/pics/jokes.  However as this blog is my about my life it will venture into many exciting topics so don't run away at the word science!

I am what my coworker has affectionately coined as "passionate" about things.  I grew up quiet and shy, but somehow through the course of becoming an adult I learned a lot about the world.  Perhaps too much about the world.

And now I'd like to share it.

So come, check the site often, and share your  questions, dreams, and thoughts!

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