I might be a chemist, but my love has always been biology. Walking into work the other day I saw these tiny birds, so I dropped all my bags and took pictures. Hard to see but they are poking their tiny bird heads out of these 2 blue pipes.
Animals are always surprising me with their innovations.
The next morning I got out of my car and saw this bird perched on a co-workers vehicle.
I always leave the building for lunch. It is a half hour retreat to run away from the lab walls that confine me.
A half hour where I park next to trees in a parking lot, the closest I can get to being outdoors.
This lunch held a special treat for me though as a family of geese crossed my path.
Fuzzy yellow gosling tails waddling down an alley is all it takes to make me smile.
So I go back to work and think thanks nature for letting me enjoy you for a couple minutes more.
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