Monday, November 6, 2017


I don't like the lab anymore. It's cold down here, dark, and it smells funny.

I was troubleshooting method 525.2 problems when I came across this note on an online forum. We thought it was so true and hilarious that we wrote it down and stuck the note on our bosses' desk after work.
That's pretty much what a day in our lab felt like a lot of the time. 

A glorious place exists where Keurigs brew delicious cups of coffee and you don't have to smell rotten meat while you drink it.

Our lab is shaped like a long rectangle with the back half being the dirty lab portion...but the front half...oh, the front half.
The presentation and show happens in the front half. The bathrooms are nicer and the water is warm when you wash your hands.
Best of all ethyl acetate is nothing more than a hazy dream.

The visitor and big wig entrance is up front, so the parking spots are closer and level.
After a cold fall Midwest rain if you're lucky you park up front, and don't drown in potholes swimming to your car after work like the rest of us.
For 5 years I looked at the front half of the lab with envy.

I've been promoted and moved onto this magical land of work they call Instrumentation!
My lab is at the very front of the building now!
I specifically am running GC/MS instruments. I analytically test the samples I used to extract and prepare. Basically I get to see the final results of the water samples that come in.


I've been working since before I could legally work and...


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